The Cycle of Gratitude


Hello. People tend to remember what they have done for others, but they tend to forget what others have done for them.

I don’t think it’s necessary to demand gratitude “because I did it for you” or to keep saying thanks “because you did it for me.” However, I would like to be more grateful and remember what someone did for me, rather than what I did for them.

Remembering something I am grateful for when someone else did something for me means that I have the opportunity to do something for someone else. I believe that because we have the experience of receiving kindness, we are able to extend a helping hand when someone in need appears in front of us.

This is a story about a person I met a while ago, for example, Mr. A, who I will call Mr. A, said that when he was in his early 20s, his seniors took care of him in various ways. He said that his seniors took him out to dinner, invited him on trips, and consulted him about work and personal matters.

One day, he said he wanted to express some gratitude to his seniors, but the seniors replied, “We don’t need any gratitude.” They said, “We don’t need it, so you should do the same for your juniors.”

I thought, “What wonderful personalities these people have,” and at the same time, “I see!” Love for someone doesn’t necessarily come from that person in return. We tend to think that gratitude is something we get back from the person we have shown kindness to.

Of course, I am grateful for any kindness I receive from someone. Afterwards, I realized that by doing something similar, I was passing the love I had received to the next generation. It’s similar to raising children, isn’t it? Parents raise their children with love, and children who grow up raise their children with love.

Love is something that circulates. So it can be delivered to me, or it can be delivered to someone else. The love that I send out may also travel to many people and eventually come back to me.

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