

Prepare mind and body

Hello. We often hear that our bodies are affected by our mental state. If you feel unwell, it might be a good idea ...

Measures to stay motivated

Hello. Do you ever find yourself feeling unmotivated in your busy daily life? You may feel like you don't feel l...

Advantages of looking up at the sky

Hello. Over the past year, I have looked up at the sky more often. I don't know if that's the effect, but I feel li...

About parallel worlds

hello. Do you know about parallel worlds? This world is one of many parallel worlds, and a common image is that man...

Application from mold removal measures

hello. What are you doing to prevent mold in your bathroom? Have you ever heard that it is good to pour cold wat...

Talk about elementary particles

hello. I was thinking about elementary particles today, and I had an idea, so I would like to write about it. ...

How to restore eyesight

Hello everyone. Last time I wrote about the causes and countermeasures for visual impairment, but this time I wi...

What causes poor eyesight?

Hello. Do you have good eyesight? I have been myopia since I was in the 5th grade of elementary school. I have a...

About meteorites

It seems that various meteorites have fallen on the earth so far. I saw a video that introduces some of the most fa...

About Neptune-2

Last time I wrote about Neptune, but this time I would like to write about its constituents. I'm not an expert, so ...