think of


About controlling yourself

hello. Are you a person who strictly keeps your promise? I'm pretty good at it. I think that I am a person wh...

I thought about information overload

hello. As information from all over the world comes in from all over the world, how do you handle them? I'm conf...

Being as it is

Hell everyone. Don't you wonder what it means to be "as is"? This time, I would like to consider what this "as i...

Application from mold removal measures

hello. What are you doing to prevent mold in your bathroom? Have you ever heard that it is good to pour cold wat...

I can’t understand

hello everyone. Last time I talked about elementary particles, but how was it? Did you think, "I don't understan...

Talk about elementary particles

hello. I was thinking about elementary particles today, and I had an idea, so I would like to write about it. ...

At the root of anger

Hello. I've suddenly thought about it, so I'll write about it. As I wrote in the title, it's a story of anger. Wh...

What is the meaning of a dream

Hello. Do you dream? It's a dream we have when we are sleeping at night. This time, I saw a video talking about dre...

What are the requirements for a meeting?

hello everyone. Today I would like to write about the promises made when exchanging opinions. First and forem...

How to attract miracles

hello everyone. Today, I watched a video that talked about what you should try to attract miracles, so I'd like to ...