to make yourself a great person



Do you believe that you are a nice person? It seems that people who believe that “I am a wonderful person” are more likely to grant various wishes. To make something come true means to act and make it come true, rather than relying on someone else to make it come true.

If you don’t think “I’m nice”, start by making yourself nice. I watched a video that will be helpful to see how to make a wonderful self, so I will introduce it.

This content was good to try to make a wonderful lover, but I think it is also a step to be able to think “I am a wonderful person”.

I will explain each.

Be yourself who can be happy even when you are alone.

It seems that it is a step not to depend on the other party. It seems that depending on the other party means that the person who depends on you will come closer.

If you think, “I want someone who can make me happy,” then someone who thinks, “I want someone who can make me happy,” will come to you. If you meet such a person, you will say to each other, “Please make me happy.” I know it’s not happy.

Even if you don’t have a lover, you can focus on yourself and make yourself happy by doing what you like and enjoying yourself, challenging yourself to improve yourself.

The only person who can make you happy is yourself. You can’t be happy because you have a lover, but you can feel happy because you can make happy time with that lover.

If you want a lover, make room for that lover.

This means that you act on the “premise” that you have a lover. Create a space where your lover exists in your living space.

It’s a story I often hear, but when you think you’re living with your lover, you prepare dishes for your lover and serve food for that person, prepare two pillows on the bed, and go to bed. In other words, make room for your lover to enter.

Tell yourself you’re attractive

You believe that you are so attractive that you can think that there is no opposite sex that does not talk to you.

Think about it. Would you go out of your way to reach out to someone you find unattractive? If you want to become a lover, I think it’s good to have an attractive person. If you think so, it means that the other person is also looking for an attractive person. So, you have to be attractive yourself.

This is my opinion, but I hope this doesn’t have to be an overly high level. For example, don’t wear socks with holes. Things like combing your hair and wearing clean clothes are good places to start.

I introduced 1, 2, 3., how about it? The contents were good things to try to make a lover. However, don’t you feel like you can use it in other ways, such as wanting a friend or a business partner?

By thinking, “I am a wonderful person,” you will gain confidence in yourself, and your behavior will change, so I think it will lead to new relationships. What do you think?

Think again about attraction
