Put My heart into something


Hi there. When we do something, it comes back to us in various forms as a result.

When we act empathetically, saying, “For the sake of the other person,” we often get good things back. But, sometimes it is said that it is “extra care”.

In my work, what I often think about is “I want my customers to be happy.” I believe it will benefit the company I work for.

It depends on the company’s temperament and policies, but I don’t think you can expect to grow if you just let the day-to-day work flow.

“No, no, I’m the bottom of the company,” there are people who show humility, but I believe that the people on the bottom are the face of the company.

For example, even if I am the contact person, a single response can completely change the customer’s impression of the company. Even if my estimate is slightly higher than other companies, customers may choose me. That’s because there is “something” that customers can choose. It is something that makes customers think, “I want this company, no, this person to be in charge.”

I think this “something” is how much you think about others when you work, and whether you put your heart into it.

Have you ever been told, “Don’t do to others what you don’t want done to you”? When I put myself in the customer’s position, I think about how I would be happy if I could be treated and acted. and when I stopped by another store as a customer, I am strangely treated kindly.

In the example of the previous estimate, “I can’t make it any cheaper,” but I think that what I can do is “I will work with all my heart.” With that alone, the heart is conveyed to the other person, and the person who receives it will return something.

There may be people who say, “It’s unnecessary help” or “If you don’t do that, please make it cheaper.” But at that time there is no other way. Opponents have their own positions and ways of thinking.

There are times when my feelings are not accepted, but it is true that the amount I put my heart into will definitely come back. It may come back from someone else, not the person who didn’t receive it. As this cycle spreads, I believe that we will be able to have pleasant exchanges, and that we will be able to develop not only in business, but also in our personal lives.

Connection with people