Creation of the universe-2


It is a continuation of the last time.

After the heliocentric theory was finally accepted around the 18th and 19th centuries, From the 20th century, Mr. Einstein will challenge the mission “How was the universe created?”

Einstein notices that there are some things that cannot be calculated by universal gravitation alone. He proposed the special theory of relativity, which shows the relationship between the speed of light and space-time, and the general theory of relativity, which shows the distortion between space-time and gravity. What is moving at ultra-high speed is that time advances slowly, and gravity distorts space from the perspective of contracting both time and space.

I do not understand any thing.

This is a story I heard in the past. It is conceivable that when you get on a spaceship, travel around the stars at super high speed, and then return to the earth, the flow of time is different between the spacecraft and the earth. It means that those who return will arrive in the future rather than in the present when they are alive.

Next is Mr. Friedman and Mr. Lemaire. They thought the universe was expanding. Hubble observes and learns that there are countless galaxies in 1923. The Milky Way galaxy we are in was not the only galaxy.

And as those galaxies gradually moved away, they knew that the universe was expanding.

Mr. Gamow, Mr. Alpha, and Mr. Harman proposed “Light Echo” as a remnant of the light ran by the Big Bang.

As you all know, the light of the stars you see now is “the light of the past.” It means that some of the stars visible from Earth may no longer exist. The Big Bang theory was finally established by the observation by the COBE satellite in 1992. 

What do you think. Thus, from long ago, scholars have made hypotheses, calculated, observed, and found evidence. By connecting the baton from scholar to scholar in this way, it has been elucidated little by little. And yet, our doubts and interests are endless. There are many scholars who are still observing and researching, and children who are interested in space may inherit the baton from past scholars and become future scholars.

It’s very exciting to know a lot.