

Talk about elementary particles

hello. I was thinking about elementary particles today, and I had an idea, so I would like to write about it. ...

It’s my blog’s one year anniversary

hello. It's been a year since I started writing my diary. Thank you for always coming to see my diary. I star...

At the root of anger

Hello. I've suddenly thought about it, so I'll write about it. As I wrote in the title, it's a story of anger. Wh...

What is the meaning of a dream

Hello. Do you dream? It's a dream we have when we are sleeping at night. This time, I saw a video talking about dre...

What are the requirements for a meeting?

hello everyone. Today I would like to write about the promises made when exchanging opinions. First and forem...

How to attract miracles

hello everyone. Today, I watched a video that talked about what you should try to attract miracles, so I'd like to ...

Talk about Self-settings

hello everyone. What do you mean by the title? You think so. Today, I will talk about rewriting my unconscious beli...

How to restore eyesight

Hello everyone. Last time I wrote about the causes and countermeasures for visual impairment, but this time I wi...

What causes poor eyesight?

Hello. Do you have good eyesight? I have been myopia since I was in the 5th grade of elementary school. I have a...

How to compliment people-2-How to make the other person confident

Last time, I talked about the fact that relationships that rely too much on technique are not good because they mak...