You say it’s for someone, but is it really for someone?


Hello. People often say, “I’m thinking about you,” but are they really saying it for you?

I would like to think about this from a psychological point of view. Or should I say, first of all, to say from the conclusion, even though someone says “for you,” it is “for me.”

“Oh, that’s not true. I’m seriously thinking and acting for the sake of the earth.” or “I’m seriously thinking about my child’s future.” or “What are you talking about?!” you might think.

It’s true that everyone seriously thinks so and says and acts, but deep down in their hearts, it seems that they are actually “for themselves.”

But for those of you who find it “unacceptable,” please put it aside for now and read on.

For example, when someone says, “That’s embarrassing behavior for you,” or “Normally, you wouldn’t do that,” don’t you think, “What are you talking about?”

What is the world?


Who’s embarrassed to see?

What is common sense in Japan is insane in other countries, or what is common sense in other countries is insane in Japan. It is also happening in Japan. The customs are different in each region. right? Even if you only crossed one mountain or crossed a river, the customs are different depending on the region.

So, from here on out, I would like to suggest that instead of saying “for you,” why not say “because I want you to do this?”

Don’t you think it’s easier to accept when someone says, “I don’t want you to do that, so I want you to do this,” rather than being forced to say, “For your sake?”

For example, if there is a family member who throws off their socks all over the place as soon as they come home, try saying, “I feel bad about it, so at least put it in the washing machine.” or get angry by saying, “I tell you all the time!” Which words are you more likely to accept?

Perhaps, when someone says, “I don’t like it,” you accept it honestly, saying, “Yes, you don’t like it.” And don’t you think you should be careful from now on?

Rather than saying “for you,” it’s easier to understand why it’s said, “for me.”

As a test, why not add the phrase, “Because I think so” and speak.

About controlling yourself

Where to Focus