When Mental Drops


hello. Today is a pattern that is easy to fall into when mental is down and how to get out of it. Everyone’s mentality falls from time to time, but if you’re depressed all the time, you’re going to have a little trouble. Can you imagine what kind of trouble it would be?

When our mentality drops, our motivation also drops.
When our motivation drops, we don’t do anything, so we have free time.
When we have free time, we start thinking about something because we have nothing to do (because we are unmotivated).

And it seems that thinking is becoming negative in everything. It’s like when we start thinking negative things, we want to go into more and more negativity and complain about everything we see.

It takes time and effort to get back to positive thinking after this. So, don’t you think you need to take action early?

So, before this happens, start cleaning on the spot when you realize that your mentality is falling.

uh, cleaning? how?

If you think so, please throw everything on the floor into a garbage bag.

Not only garbage, but also small items lying there, clothes that you took off, everything on the floor.

uh, clothes too?

Do you think that. The clothes are too. In the first place, you took off the clothes and “threw them away” on the floor, right? Therefore, it is unnecessary.

I wrote earlier that when mentality falls, we lose motivation. The fact that we are not motivated means that the room becomes more and more dirty. It’s not just the room. Dirt accumulates in our homes.

The fact that the inside of the house and the room is dirty also means that the mental is falling.

So, when you notice that your mental is falling, start cleaning immediately. If you leave it as it is, as I wrote earlier,

our motivation also drops.

When our motivation drops, we don’t do anything, so we have free time.

When we have free time, we start thinking about something because we have nothing to do (because we are unmotivated).

And it seems that thinking is becoming negative in everything. It’s like when we start thinking negative things, we want to go into more and more negativity and complain about everything we see.

I would like to add that people who don’t clean up can’t understand dirty situations as “dirty”. Unmotivated people’s rooms are so cluttered that messy things become the norm. And the idea of “dirty” seems to be paralyzed.

They don’t care if there is trash on the floor, or if the dining table is dirty or oily on the gas stove. Of course, even if the room is overflowing with so many things!

They are comfortable because they don’t care, but do you want to live like that?

If you can live comfortably, you can live in a clean space or in a dirty space.

However, I recommend that you start cleaning on the spot when you notice that your mentality is falling.

The fact that nothing is motivated means that the door to the negative world is open.

In order to close the door, let’s first throw everything on the floor into the garbage bag.

ネガティブに思うときは-When you feel negative

断捨離の効果-風水の視点から-1- Let go of the things you don’t need-1