Be thankful for your body

コアラ English

Hello. This time, I’m going to talk about being thankful for my body.

Our bodies perform countless small miracles every day. Breathing, laughing, feeling, everything is thanks to the complex functions of our bodies.

The things that we normally take for granted are actually things to be grateful for. Sadly, the time we only realize this is when we can no longer do them.

For example, fingers. We have all experienced being injured by a blade at least once. It is only then that we realize that our fingers are working hard to help us. We are able to live our lives thanks to the proper functioning of each and every finger that we move every day without thinking about it.

When we get injured or sick, we realize just how special these “ordinary” actions really are. It’s also the moment we realize how arrogant we are in taking things for granted.

I sometimes see parents being so happy when their child took their first steps, but then blaming them for falling when they fall after they grow up a little.

Being able to walk, run, write, and do all sorts of things in everyday life is all possible because our bodies move. I want to remember the joy we felt when our children took their first steps, and be tolerant of their stumbles as they grow up. I also want to be tolerant of my own stumbling blocks.

Our bodies support us every day and do the best they can, so we need to take care of them, stay healthy and be thankful.

Reading aloud is recommended
