What is beauty -2- Cultivate inner beauty

花-19 日記

Hello. Last time, I wrote about how beauty is important in both the outside and the inside. This time, I’d like to think about how we can improve our inner self.

Refinement of our inner beauty is closely related to self-growth. Believing in ourselves and increasing our self-esteem leads to acting with confidence.

First, start by understanding yourself. It is important to know what you are good at, what you are bad at, your values, and interests, and to acknowledge them.

Next, accumulate small successes to increase your self-esteem. ( Increase successful experiences) Believing in yourself and taking responsibility for your actions and decisions creates confidence.

Compassion for others and courage to face difficulties also foster inner beauty. Even just the way you use your words, respecting others and expressing your gratitude conveys your warmth as a person.

By rejoicing in and empathizing with the successes of others, not just your own, you will deepen as a person. This leads to individual charm.

It is said that thoughts become reality, and this is because a positive mind produces positive actions, which in turn will have a positive impact on those around you. By having a beautiful heart, that beauty will be reflected in your actions and attitudes, and will have a positive impact on the real world.

Inner beauty is different from outer beauty, it takes time to develop and refine it. By facing yourself and living each day consciously, your brilliance will increase little by little.

By having an attitude of constant growth, we can achieve true beauty.

Increase successful experiences

What is beauty -1- A person’s outer and inner beauty-
