Let’s find a good match

花-16 English

Hello. When I was a teenager, I thought, “I have to get along with everyone.”To put it another way, I was thinking that I shouldn’t be hated by others.

But, of course, it is difficult to have mutual love with everyone. I was wondering what to do for a long time. I realized this after a while when I became a member of society. it is,

I don’t have to be friends with everyone

No matter how considerate I am or how much I try to act with the other person in mind, if things don’t go well, things won’t go well. At work, I tried to be approachable so that we could help each other. However, I thought there was no need to get along any further than necessary with someone who didn’t suit me. However, trying to be approachable at work has pushed me into a corner, but I’ll write about that another time.

Human relationships are complex, and sometimes it is necessary to discern which relationships are beneficial to you.

As Buddha said, there are good and bad relationships, and they have a great impact on our happiness. Bad relationships can harm our mental health and hinder our growth, so it is a wise choice to distance yourself from these relationships as soon as possible.

Humans are creatures that are easily influenced by the environment. The actions and thoughts of those around you can also affect you. For example, what if you often see something that makes you think, “That’s insane?” Don’t you start to think, “Oh, is that normal?”

Therefore, building relationships with people who are positive for you is the key to unlocking the door to your own happiness.

An effective way to identify a bad relationship is to observe your physical and mental state after spending time with that person. If you notice signs of stress such as hives or feel depressed after meeting that person, you may need to reevaluate your relationship.

Also, if the other person tries to take advantage of you, becomes dependent on you, or acts in a way that mounts you, it can also be seen as a sign of a bad relationship. These relationships often create self-blaming situations and can damage self-esteem. You need to be careful because people with bad relationships will cleverly instill in your thinking that “it’s your fault.”

On the other hand, a relationship where people respect each other and treat each other as equals can be considered a good relationship.

Such relationships have great value in life because they can encourage and support each other’s growth. Choosing relationships that are truly valuable to you, without giving in to the loneliness of being alone, will lead to long-term happiness.

If you try to connect with someone by saying something like, “I feel lonely when I’m alone,” you’ll be more likely to connect with someone who also says, “I feel lonely when I’m alone.”

First of all, it’s important to start by thinking that “being alone isn’t bad,” valuing the time you have alone, facing yourself, and determining what’s best for you.

By understanding the values you hold dear and what you want to achieve in life, you will naturally connect with people who have similar values.

Ultimately, the goal is to find a good match for yourself. This means that the relationship with the other person must be mutually beneficial, and one that allows for mutual cooperation and mutual respect.

Building relationships with people who align with your values and goals will make your life richer and more meaningful. I believe that distancing yourself from bad relationships is an important step in protecting yourself and prioritizing your own happiness.

try to stay away

How to Be Loved
