think of


Have a motto

Hello. Do you have a motto? Until recently, my motto was "what goes around comes around." My deeds will definite...

Speak positive words

Hello. I have mentioned before that my language usage was very bad. (What is beauty -1- A person's outer and inner ...

What is beauty -3- Achieve external beauty-

Hello. Last time I wrote about inner beauty, so this time I would like to write about outer beauty. When we thin...

What is beauty -1- A person’s outer and inner beauty-

Hello. This time I will think about beauty. I think beauty is not only important on the outside, but also on the...

value one’s true feelings

Hello. I think everyone has experienced that when you declare what you want to do and the people around you oppose ...

Do what you want

Hello. This time, I recommend "doing what you want to do." Do what you want to do and don't do what you don't wa...

don’t sacrifice yourself

Hello. Today I would like to think about self-sacrifice. As I often do, I tend to think, `` As long as I'm patie...

Let’s find a good match

Hello. When I was a teenager, I thought, ``I have to get along with everyone.''To put it another way, I was thinkin...

become aware of one’s true feelings

Hello. I've written before about how underlying anger is sadness and a sense of inferiority, but this time I though...

to transform our lives

Hello. People have a lot of worries every day, like everyday life is boring, relationships aren't going well, or th...